Saturday, December 09, 2006

From the Department of Homeland Insecurity

Even if American companies want to comply with current employment laws they are being threatened by clowns like this. Miss. Democrat Bennie Thompson who is in line to become the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee has warned Cintas, the countries largest uniform supplier that it faces criminal charges if it follows a Dept. of Homeland Security guideline dealing with "no match" letters from the Social Security Administration.
From the Washington Times:
Rep. Bennie Thompson said in a letter to Cintas Corp. it could be charged with "illegal activities in violation of state and federal law" if any of its 32,000 employees are terminated because they gave incorrect Social Security numbers to be hired.
Evidently Mr. Thompson doesn't seem to think there is a problem with of the 250 million wage reports the government receives each year, as many as 10 percent belong to employees whose names do not match their Social Security numbers.
That's 25 million employees whose names do not match. How many illegals are in this country? Makes you wonder.

1 comment:

MAX Redline said...

Open the floodgates. Well, they've been open for some time....