Friday, January 02, 2009


Let's honor diversity okay. It seems that montra runs a bit thin when faced with the reality. From the Associated Press writer-Paul Elias:
"ANTIOCH, Calif. – As more and more black renters began moving into this mostly white San Francisco Bay Area suburb a few years ago, neighbors started complaining about loud parties, mean pit bulls, blaring car radios, prostitution, drug dealing and muggings of schoolchildren."
"Across the country, similar tensions have simmered when federally subsidized renters escaped run-down housing projects and violent neighborhoods by moving to nicer communities in suburban Washington, Chicago and Los Angeles."
"Longtime homeowners complained that the new arrivals brought crime and other troubles. In 2006, violent crime in Antioch shot up about 19 percent from the year before, while property crime went down slightly.

"In some neighborhoods, it was complete madness," said longtime resident David Gilbert, a black retiree who organized the United Citizens of Better Neighborhoods watch group. "They were under siege."

So the Antioch police in mid-2006 created the Community Action Team, which focused on complaints of trouble at low-income renters' homes."
"That can be a recipe for anxiety," she said. "It can really change the demographics of a neighborhood."

Just imagine what demographic changes result from 20-30 million illegal aliens in your country. But don't say anything about it or you will be called a RACIST.

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