Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dora The Exploited.

If the new Arizona law has accomplished anything, it has got Americans discussing the illegal immigration issue. Some of that conversation is not so pretty.
This picture of a well known cartoon character in a mug shot with obvious abuse marks and 666 666 666 under the photo and the caption:"Dora The Explorer ILLEGAL BORDER CROSSING RESISTING ARREST" was not the brainchild of some rabid right wing extremist but actually the twisted humor of a Sarasota Florida woman who claims to be against the Arizona law.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ray Stevens-Great American

A taxpayer division of "Oaknut". Now that's funny right there.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hayek Vs. Kaynes Rap Video

Interesting video explaining the difference between the two economic views.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Fool And His Money

TOH to No Agenda Blog.

Thursday, May 06, 2010


By Matt Paulson
AP Sports Writer

PHOENIX (AP) -- Suns fans wore "Los Suns" jerseys and T-shirts and a group of four even entered the arena with sombreros for their team's playoff game against the San Antonio Spurs.

The Suns made headlines the day before with their decision to wear "Los Suns" jerseys on the Cinco de Mayo holiday. A new Arizona immigration law has drawn widespread criticism from Latino organizations and civil rights groups that say it could lead to racial profiling of Hispanics. President Barack Obama has called the law "misguided."