Judicial Watch has just announced it's ten most corrupt politians. It's worth a read because four of the presidential candidates make this list.
1. Senator Hillary Clinton: Blocked the release of her white house records. Allegations of filing false financial disclosure forms with the U.S. Senate (again)(See previous post-Hillary Uncensored). Her top campaign contributor, Norman Hsu was exposed as a felon and a fugitive from justice in 2007.
2. Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani: his office "billed obscure city agencies for tens of thousands of dollars in security expenses for his affair with Judith Nathan. His former Police Cief and business partner Bernard Kerik pleaded guilty in 2006 to accepting a $165,000 bribe in the from of renovations to his apartment.
3. Governor Mike Huckabee: According to the AP his career has been colored by 14 ethics complaints and a volley of questions about his integrity. Rather than cooperate with investigators, Huckabee sued the state ethics commission twice and attempted to shut the process down.
4. Senator Barack Obama: He was given a "Dishonorable Mention" last year and managed to move up in the ranking in 2007. In 2006 it was discovered that he was involved in a suspicious real estate deal with an indicted political fundraiser. It was reported that just two months after he joined the senate, he purchased $50,000 worth of stock in speculative companies whose major investors were his biggest campaign contributors. He was also nabbed conducting campaign business in his Senate office, a violation of federal law.
Please don't elect another criminal, vote Ron Paul.
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