Saturday, August 04, 2007

Thank you Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton has put Portland mayor Tom Potter on notice over the city's plan to spend $200,000 on a centralized hiring site for day laborers.

"Thomas Fitton, the group’s president, faxed a letter to Potter on Thursday, two days after the Portland Tribune published a piece surveying Judicial Watch’s lawsuits in other jurisdictions over the same issue.
The letter advised of “serious legal concerns” with using taxpayer money to support day laborers, most of whom are undocumented, according to one recent study. He cites a 2006 study by UCLA and the University of Illinois, which found that 75 percent of a sample of 2,260 day laborers across the country were undocumented."

“By establishing and operating the proposed day laborer site, the city will likely be violating federal law,” Fitton writes.

"He further likens the situation to the city running its own “red light” district or illicit drug market so that those participants may have a “safe, orderly and well-regulated environment in which to engage [in] their illicit transactions.”

1 comment:

MAX Redline said...

Well, yeah. That's what Tommy does. It's why he didn't last long as a police chief. He likes illegal activity too much. Dope dealing? No problem. Prostitution? Hey, they have a right to do that. Bicycle riders blowing through stop-signs? Hey, he admits doing it himself. He's not exactly a "law and order" kind of guy.

His plan to spend a few hundred grand to support illegal aliens is just an extension of what he's always done.