One of the biggest challenges we as believers of the 1st amendment will face in the new year will be to resist the renewed effort to expand "Hate crime" legislation. We will experience increased pressure from special interest groups to include sexual preference, religion and a number of other topics that they would like to legislate the direction of dialog that is legal. This restriction is already in place in Europe, Canada and Australia. In Australia, two pastors were tried and convicted of "vilifying Muslims" for quoting from the Quran in an attempt to point out differences between Christianity and Islam.
If you believe as I do in the right to free speech and thought you must remain vigilant and challenge this attack on one of the main pillars of our nations founding. Write you congressmen on this before it becomes a national issue.
"The People are the masters of both Congress and courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it!" Abraham Lincoln... ”As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their hearts desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
How deep does the cover up go?
The evidence is mounting that the Oklahoma City bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building has connections to Islamic extremists that the government is ignoring or covering up. What is the possible reason that the government would not question a primary Middle-Eastern suspect that was identified being seen in the presence of Timothy McVeigh prior to the bombing?
The following is from the
Canadian Free Press:
"Evidence presented by Ms. Davis in her book and offered directly to the Congressman is so compelling that it could easily make a prima facia case for Middle Eastern involvement in the bombing. The evidence uncovered by Ms. Davis offers detailed witness accounts of a former Iraqi Republican Guardsman identified as Hussain Al-Hussaini being seen in the presence of Timothy McVeigh prior to the bombing, getting our of the bomb-laden Ryder truck the morning of April 19, and fleeing the Murrah Building in a vehicle identified and pursued by the FBI in an all-points-bulletin issued for Middle Eastern terrorists. More significantly, two federal court rulings establish that this Iraqi soldier has no provable alibi for the morning of the bombing. Overwhelming and fully substantiated evidence developed by Ms. Davis was deliberately sidestepped by the congressman as she predicted in an interview with the Northeast Intelligence Network almost a year ago."
"It is unconscionable to accept that the FBI never interviewed a primary Middle-Eastern suspect in the Oklahoma City bombing about the bombing itself, never issued an official on-the-record statement exonerating him of complicity in the Oklahoma City bombing, and despite the numerous questions surrounding the ties and activities of this individual, did nothing as he gained employment following April 19, 1995 but before September 11, 2001 at Boston-Logan airport – an airport where two of the 9/11 hijacked planes originated."
The following is from the
Canadian Free Press:
"Evidence presented by Ms. Davis in her book and offered directly to the Congressman is so compelling that it could easily make a prima facia case for Middle Eastern involvement in the bombing. The evidence uncovered by Ms. Davis offers detailed witness accounts of a former Iraqi Republican Guardsman identified as Hussain Al-Hussaini being seen in the presence of Timothy McVeigh prior to the bombing, getting our of the bomb-laden Ryder truck the morning of April 19, and fleeing the Murrah Building in a vehicle identified and pursued by the FBI in an all-points-bulletin issued for Middle Eastern terrorists. More significantly, two federal court rulings establish that this Iraqi soldier has no provable alibi for the morning of the bombing. Overwhelming and fully substantiated evidence developed by Ms. Davis was deliberately sidestepped by the congressman as she predicted in an interview with the Northeast Intelligence Network almost a year ago."
"It is unconscionable to accept that the FBI never interviewed a primary Middle-Eastern suspect in the Oklahoma City bombing about the bombing itself, never issued an official on-the-record statement exonerating him of complicity in the Oklahoma City bombing, and despite the numerous questions surrounding the ties and activities of this individual, did nothing as he gained employment following April 19, 1995 but before September 11, 2001 at Boston-Logan airport – an airport where two of the 9/11 hijacked planes originated."
Saturday, December 09, 2006
From the Department of Homeland Insecurity
Even if American companies want to comply with current employment laws they are being threatened by clowns like this. Miss. Democrat Bennie Thompson who is in line to become the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee has warned Cintas, the countries largest uniform supplier that it faces criminal charges if it follows a Dept. of Homeland Security guideline dealing with "no match" letters from the Social Security Administration.
From the Washington Times:
Rep. Bennie Thompson said in a letter to Cintas Corp. it could be charged with "illegal activities in violation of state and federal law" if any of its 32,000 employees are terminated because they gave incorrect Social Security numbers to be hired.
Evidently Mr. Thompson doesn't seem to think there is a problem with of the 250 million wage reports the government receives each year, as many as 10 percent belong to employees whose names do not match their Social Security numbers.
That's 25 million employees whose names do not match. How many illegals are in this country? Makes you wonder.
From the Washington Times:
Rep. Bennie Thompson said in a letter to Cintas Corp. it could be charged with "illegal activities in violation of state and federal law" if any of its 32,000 employees are terminated because they gave incorrect Social Security numbers to be hired.
Evidently Mr. Thompson doesn't seem to think there is a problem with of the 250 million wage reports the government receives each year, as many as 10 percent belong to employees whose names do not match their Social Security numbers.
That's 25 million employees whose names do not match. How many illegals are in this country? Makes you wonder.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Let's not forget 65 years ago!

At dawn on Sunday, December 7, 1941, naval aviation forces of the Empire of Japan attacked the United States Pacific Fleet center at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and other military targets. The goal of this attack was to sufficiently cripple the US Fleet so that Japan could then attack and capture the Phillipines and Indo-China and so secure access to the raw materials needed to maintain its position as a global military and economic power. This would enable Japan to further extend the empire to include Australia, New Zealand, and India (the ultimate boundaries planned for the so-called "Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere"). The prevailing belief within the Japanese military and political establishment was that eventually, with the then expected German defeat of Great Britain and Soviet Russia, the United States' non-involvement in the European war, and Japan's control of the Pacific, that the world power structure would stabilize into three major spheres of influence:
Thursday, November 23, 2006
"When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food, and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself." Tecumseh, Shawnee Chief.
Following the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress recognized the need to give thanks for delivering the country from war and into independence. Congress issued a proclamation on October 11, 1782:
By the United States in Congress assembled.
IT being the indispensable duty of all Nations, not only to offer up their supplications to ALMIGHTY GOD, the giver of all good, for his gracious assistance in a time of distress, but also in a solemn and public manner to give him praise for his goodness in general, and especially for great and signal interpositions of his providence in their behalf: Therefore the United States in Congress assembled, taking into their consideration the many instances of divine goodness to these States, in the course of the important conflict in which they have been so long engaged; the present happy and promising state of public affairs; and the events of the war, in the course of the year now drawing to a close; particularly the harmony of the public Councils, which is so necessary to the success of the public cause; the perfect union and good understanding which has hitherto subsisted between them and their Allies, notwithstanding the artful and unwearied attempts of the common enemy to divide them; the success of the arms of the United States, and those of their Allies, and the acknowledgment of their independence by another European power, whose friendship and commerce must be of great and lasting advantage to these States:----- Do hereby recommend to the inhabitants of these States in general, to observe, and request the several States to interpose their authority in appointing and commanding the observation of THURSDAY the twenty-eight day of NOVEMBER next, as a day of solemn THANKSGIVING to GOD for all his mercies: and they do further recommend to all ranks, to testify to their gratitude to GOD for his goodness, by a cheerful obedience of his laws, and by promoting, each in his station, and by his influence, the practice of true and undefiled religion, which is the great foundation of public prosperity and national happiness.
Done in Congress, at Philadelphia, the eleveth day of October, in the year of our LORD one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two, and of our Sovereignty and Independence, the seventh.
JOHN HANSON, President.
Charles Thomson, Secretary.
Following the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress recognized the need to give thanks for delivering the country from war and into independence. Congress issued a proclamation on October 11, 1782:
By the United States in Congress assembled.
IT being the indispensable duty of all Nations, not only to offer up their supplications to ALMIGHTY GOD, the giver of all good, for his gracious assistance in a time of distress, but also in a solemn and public manner to give him praise for his goodness in general, and especially for great and signal interpositions of his providence in their behalf: Therefore the United States in Congress assembled, taking into their consideration the many instances of divine goodness to these States, in the course of the important conflict in which they have been so long engaged; the present happy and promising state of public affairs; and the events of the war, in the course of the year now drawing to a close; particularly the harmony of the public Councils, which is so necessary to the success of the public cause; the perfect union and good understanding which has hitherto subsisted between them and their Allies, notwithstanding the artful and unwearied attempts of the common enemy to divide them; the success of the arms of the United States, and those of their Allies, and the acknowledgment of their independence by another European power, whose friendship and commerce must be of great and lasting advantage to these States:----- Do hereby recommend to the inhabitants of these States in general, to observe, and request the several States to interpose their authority in appointing and commanding the observation of THURSDAY the twenty-eight day of NOVEMBER next, as a day of solemn THANKSGIVING to GOD for all his mercies: and they do further recommend to all ranks, to testify to their gratitude to GOD for his goodness, by a cheerful obedience of his laws, and by promoting, each in his station, and by his influence, the practice of true and undefiled religion, which is the great foundation of public prosperity and national happiness.
Done in Congress, at Philadelphia, the eleveth day of October, in the year of our LORD one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two, and of our Sovereignty and Independence, the seventh.
JOHN HANSON, President.
Charles Thomson, Secretary.
What might have been
Friday, November 10, 2006
Thank a Vet Today

To the veterans:
"Never in the face of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few."
- Winston Churchill
Here's to Mo's resturant in Florence Oregon.
From the Register Guard.
What began as a simple tribute to one of their cooks that was in the National Guard in 2003 has grown to a wall covered with over 150 pictures of service members left by wives, girlfriends, husbands and mothers.
The wall of photos has inspired Mo's to contribute nearly $54,000 worth of food to the National Guard.
Thanks vets and thanks Mo's.
Merry Christmas from Wal-Mart

But don't get too warm and fuzzy over Wal-Marts sudden revelation that they were wrong in trying to remove Christ from the Christmas season. There is only one thing that motivates Wal-Mart and that is the bottom line. In their attempt to be all things to all people they can only alienate those of us that care about America and American workers.
The facts are:
In 2004 Wal-Mart imported 18 billion dollars in goods from China. Think about how the cheap toys you buy are made by workers often working 12+ hours a day for 13-17 cents per hour. Merry Christmas.
The C.E.O. of Wal-Mart, Mr. Lee Scott, made $27,207,799 in 2005 while the average W.M. employee earned $13,861.
The five remaining Walton family members are worth 102 Billion dollars while the Wal-Mart "assocciates" are often advised to apply for public assisstance and health care in order to make ends meet.
The cost of the Wal-Mart private jet fleet=$125,350,000 while Sam Walton flew his own small plane and drove an old pick-up truck.
The Walton family has given less than 1% of their personal wealth to charity. Bill Gates has given 58%.
The Walton family gave 3.2 million in campaign contributions in 2004.
In 2004 Walmart employees gave over 5 million dollars to help less fortunate fellow workers while the Walton family gave $6000.
To Wal-Mart I say Merry Christmas. God bless us one and all.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Don't Wal-Martize America
I don't often agree with the columnist Paul Krugman, but, he has hit on one aspect of the American economy that I can't help but agree with. That is the Wal-Martization of America is not a good thing and not sustainable. I don't blame everything on Wal-Mart but instead it is the practice that they seem to have perfected. That is to use your herculean buying power to hammer your suppliers for the lowest costs often forcing them to alter the way they do business in order to get costs down. They are forced to cut back on employees, drop health care and benefits and cut corners in order to compete with third world suppliers. While you may say that this is good for Americans because it offers goods at the lowest possible price consider these quotes from Mr. Krugman's article:
"last year, an internal Wal-Mart memo conceded that 46 percent of its workers’ children were either on Medicaid or lacked health insurance. Nonetheless, the memo expressed concern that wages and benefits were rising, in part “because we pay an associate more in salary and benefits as his or her tenure increases.”
"The problem from the company’s point of view, then, is that its workers are too loyal; it wants cheap labor that doesn’t hang around too long, but not enough workers quit before acquiring the right to higher wages and benefits. Among the policy changes the memo suggested to deal with this problem was a shift to hiring more part-time workers, which “will lower Wal-Mart’s health care enrollment.”
“say Wal-Mart executives have told them the company wants to transform its work force to 40 percent part-time from 20 percent.” Another leaked Wal-Mart memo describes a plan to impose wage caps, so that long-term employees won’t get raises. And the company is taking other steps to keep workers from staying too long: in some stores, according to workers, “managers have suddenly barred older employees with back or leg problems from sitting on stools.”
Barring older emplyees from sitting on stools hardly seems consistant with WalMarts ads that show the smiling senior citizens greating customers.
Unions have often been the resistant force to this kind of employer treatment but since the 1970's the employers have worked to roll back the power of unions and have illegally interferred with union organization while the National Labor Relations board turns the blind eye.
Labor unions have done more than anything to establish the middle class in this country and they are quickly being squeezed out in the search for lower labor costs. Where does that leave the middle class? Excuse me if I don't get excited hearing about the Dow-Jones setting new heights. Often their record setting after-tax profit margins are at the cost of fewer workers being more productive for lower wages and reduced benefits. The secret to America's success has always been the sharing of the rewards by the people that actually produce those products.
Don't outsource, don't treat American workers as though they are just another commodity to be had at the lowest possible price. Don't destroy the American middle class.
"last year, an internal Wal-Mart memo conceded that 46 percent of its workers’ children were either on Medicaid or lacked health insurance. Nonetheless, the memo expressed concern that wages and benefits were rising, in part “because we pay an associate more in salary and benefits as his or her tenure increases.”
"The problem from the company’s point of view, then, is that its workers are too loyal; it wants cheap labor that doesn’t hang around too long, but not enough workers quit before acquiring the right to higher wages and benefits. Among the policy changes the memo suggested to deal with this problem was a shift to hiring more part-time workers, which “will lower Wal-Mart’s health care enrollment.”
“say Wal-Mart executives have told them the company wants to transform its work force to 40 percent part-time from 20 percent.” Another leaked Wal-Mart memo describes a plan to impose wage caps, so that long-term employees won’t get raises. And the company is taking other steps to keep workers from staying too long: in some stores, according to workers, “managers have suddenly barred older employees with back or leg problems from sitting on stools.”
Barring older emplyees from sitting on stools hardly seems consistant with WalMarts ads that show the smiling senior citizens greating customers.
Unions have often been the resistant force to this kind of employer treatment but since the 1970's the employers have worked to roll back the power of unions and have illegally interferred with union organization while the National Labor Relations board turns the blind eye.
Labor unions have done more than anything to establish the middle class in this country and they are quickly being squeezed out in the search for lower labor costs. Where does that leave the middle class? Excuse me if I don't get excited hearing about the Dow-Jones setting new heights. Often their record setting after-tax profit margins are at the cost of fewer workers being more productive for lower wages and reduced benefits. The secret to America's success has always been the sharing of the rewards by the people that actually produce those products.
Don't outsource, don't treat American workers as though they are just another commodity to be had at the lowest possible price. Don't destroy the American middle class.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Minutemen Protest
Wednesday Oct. 4th Jim Gilchrist of the Minuteman Project was scheduled to give a speech to the Columbia campus Republicans. As you can see from the video he was assaulted and not allowed to speak. This is what passes for free speech these days. Branding him a racist by their definition gives them the right to censor and attack him.
Wednesday Oct. 4th Jim Gilchrist of the Minuteman Project was scheduled to give a speech to the Columbia campus Republicans. As you can see from the video he was assaulted and not allowed to speak. This is what passes for free speech these days. Branding him a racist by their definition gives them the right to censor and attack him.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
We can be the test subjects
Air Force: Test Weapons to Microwave Mobs
You have to wonder if they even listen to what they are saying.
"Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before being used on the battlefield, the Air Force secretary said Tuesday."
"If we're not willing to use it here against our fellow citizens, then we should not be willing to use it in a wartime situation," said Wynne. "(Because) if I hit somebody with a nonlethal weapon and they claim that it injured them in a way that was not intended, I think that I would be vilified in the world press."
Mr. secretary I suggest we test them on you first to see if it might shock you into reason.
You have to wonder if they even listen to what they are saying.
"Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before being used on the battlefield, the Air Force secretary said Tuesday."
"If we're not willing to use it here against our fellow citizens, then we should not be willing to use it in a wartime situation," said Wynne. "(Because) if I hit somebody with a nonlethal weapon and they claim that it injured them in a way that was not intended, I think that I would be vilified in the world press."
Mr. secretary I suggest we test them on you first to see if it might shock you into reason.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
911 - Enya - World Trade Center - Tribute - Awesome Video
911 - Enya - World Trade Center - Tribute - Awesome Video
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Let's never forget
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Where's the Justice?
Please sign this petition to help two of America's finest avoid prison for risking their lives and doing their jobs.
Read more about it here.
They are facing up to 20 years in prison and a 5 million dollar law suit for doing their duty.
But according to the U.S. assistant district attorney Deborah Kanof, "It is a violation of Border Patrol regulations to go after someone who is fleeing," she said. "The Border Patrol pursuit policy prohibits the pursuit of someone."
Gosh, no wonder the border is so open.
Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila, a Mexican citizen, on Feb. 17, 2005, in the small Texas town of Fabens, was driving a van suspected of having illegal drugs in it. After being pulled over he began to run. He assaulted border agent Compean and began running.
He was pursued by Ignacio Ramos, an eight-year veteran of the U.S. Naval Reserve and a former nominee for Border Patrol Agent of the Year.
When Aldret-Davila turned with something shiny in his hand, Ramos fired his gun at him. Since Aldret-Davila kept running the agent assumed he missed him.
18 Months later after the suspect's family contacted the family of another Arizona border agent, these two decorated Border Guards were charged and convicted of assault with serious bodily injury; assault with a deadly weapon; discharge of a firearm in relation to a crime of violence; and a civil rights violation.
The van had 800 lbs. of marijuana in it.
Aldrete-Davila assaulted a Border Guard and ran.
He threatened another agent.
Why is a border agent from Phoenix friends with a drug smuggler?
Why did this agent notify Homeland Security?
Why did Homeland Security go into Mexico to contact a known drug smuggler?
We need your help to send a message to the White House that we support the very people we need on our border to help stop this invasion. All you have to do is sign the petition and send it via email.
Our future depends on it.
The "victim" was granted immunity from all crimes and allowed to sue for $5 million in damages. Where is the justice?
P.S. the original date of sentencing was August 21st. but it was posponed until Sept. 9th. Still time to send a message.
Read more about it here.
They are facing up to 20 years in prison and a 5 million dollar law suit for doing their duty.
But according to the U.S. assistant district attorney Deborah Kanof, "It is a violation of Border Patrol regulations to go after someone who is fleeing," she said. "The Border Patrol pursuit policy prohibits the pursuit of someone."
Gosh, no wonder the border is so open.
Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila, a Mexican citizen, on Feb. 17, 2005, in the small Texas town of Fabens, was driving a van suspected of having illegal drugs in it. After being pulled over he began to run. He assaulted border agent Compean and began running.
He was pursued by Ignacio Ramos, an eight-year veteran of the U.S. Naval Reserve and a former nominee for Border Patrol Agent of the Year.
When Aldret-Davila turned with something shiny in his hand, Ramos fired his gun at him. Since Aldret-Davila kept running the agent assumed he missed him.
18 Months later after the suspect's family contacted the family of another Arizona border agent, these two decorated Border Guards were charged and convicted of assault with serious bodily injury; assault with a deadly weapon; discharge of a firearm in relation to a crime of violence; and a civil rights violation.
The van had 800 lbs. of marijuana in it.
Aldrete-Davila assaulted a Border Guard and ran.
He threatened another agent.
Why is a border agent from Phoenix friends with a drug smuggler?
Why did this agent notify Homeland Security?
Why did Homeland Security go into Mexico to contact a known drug smuggler?
We need your help to send a message to the White House that we support the very people we need on our border to help stop this invasion. All you have to do is sign the petition and send it via email.
Our future depends on it.
The "victim" was granted immunity from all crimes and allowed to sue for $5 million in damages. Where is the justice?
P.S. the original date of sentencing was August 21st. but it was posponed until Sept. 9th. Still time to send a message.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
The new Jonathan Swift or raving nut-ball?
From the Citizen Scientist website:
In a speech given by Dr. Eric Pianka who was named the 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist award to the Academy he suggested that “We're no better than bacteria!”
"Pianka then began laying out his concerns about how human overpopulation is ruining the Earth. He presented a doomsday scenario in which he claimed that the sharp increase in human population since the beginning of the industrial age is devastating the planet. He warned that quick steps must be taken to restore the planet before it's too late." He asserted that the only feasible solution to saving the Earth is to reduce the population to 10 percent of the present number.
"AIDS is not an efficient killer, he explained, because it is too slow. His favorite candidate for eliminating 90 percent of the world's population is airborne Ebola ( Ebola Reston ), because it is both highly lethal and it kills in days, instead of years. However, Professor Pianka did not mention that Ebola victims die a slow and torturous death as the virus initiates a cascade of biological calamities inside the victim that eventually liquefy the internal organs."
"When Pianka finished his remarks, the audience applauded. It wasn't merely a smattering of polite clapping that audiences diplomatically reserve for poor or boring speakers. It was a loud, vigorous and enthusiastic applause."
"With this, the questioning was over. Immediately almost every scientist, professor and college student present stood to their feet and vigorously applauded the man who had enthusiastically endorsed the elimination of 90 percent of the human population. Some even cheered."
Might I suggest that Proffessor Pianka volunteer for the first round of Earth cleansing.
From the Citizen Scientist website:
In a speech given by Dr. Eric Pianka who was named the 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist award to the Academy he suggested that “We're no better than bacteria!”
"Pianka then began laying out his concerns about how human overpopulation is ruining the Earth. He presented a doomsday scenario in which he claimed that the sharp increase in human population since the beginning of the industrial age is devastating the planet. He warned that quick steps must be taken to restore the planet before it's too late." He asserted that the only feasible solution to saving the Earth is to reduce the population to 10 percent of the present number.
"AIDS is not an efficient killer, he explained, because it is too slow. His favorite candidate for eliminating 90 percent of the world's population is airborne Ebola ( Ebola Reston ), because it is both highly lethal and it kills in days, instead of years. However, Professor Pianka did not mention that Ebola victims die a slow and torturous death as the virus initiates a cascade of biological calamities inside the victim that eventually liquefy the internal organs."
"When Pianka finished his remarks, the audience applauded. It wasn't merely a smattering of polite clapping that audiences diplomatically reserve for poor or boring speakers. It was a loud, vigorous and enthusiastic applause."
"With this, the questioning was over. Immediately almost every scientist, professor and college student present stood to their feet and vigorously applauded the man who had enthusiastically endorsed the elimination of 90 percent of the human population. Some even cheered."
Might I suggest that Proffessor Pianka volunteer for the first round of Earth cleansing.
Friday, August 18, 2006
From the Willamette Week.
"Forget about blue Oregon: The Republicans are taking over.
BY NIGEL JAQUISS | njaquiss at
[July 12th, 2006] The May primary election hit Kevin Looper like a head-butt.
But what Looper learned from the May primary extinguished his habitual smile. Most of us just saw a tepid election with low turnout, especially among young voters. Looper saw confirmation of something far more profound: a reliably blue state on the verge of turning red."
"In the liberal Portland echo chamber, such a notion might seem absurd. But a Republican-controlled Oregon would probably be an entirely different place on issues ranging from abortion, school funding and the environment to the judiciary and the Legislature."
" What the daily neglected to mention is that on a statewide basis, Portland's Democratic super-majority matters less each day. The trend is so clear that if the Democratic Party of Oregon were a publicly traded corporation, owners would be lining up to dump their stock.
Over the past three decades, the number of registered Democrats in the state has not only failed to keep pace with population growth, it has actually declined in absolute terms. According to the secretary of state's election statistics, there were 794,218 Oregon Democrats in 1976; as of this past May, there were 760,066.
Thirty years ago, 56 percent of registered Oregon voters were Democrats; today, that number is less than 39 percent. "
Here is a quote that you won't see repeated in many MSM papers: "Republicans vote more because they are typically better educated and more affluent," says Bill Lunch, chairman of the political science department at Oregon State University.
I believe that the reason is not because the Republicans are offering such great candidates but because the Democrats have totally lost touch with the average Oregonian and only pander to the extreme Left causes. They also offer no solutions to the immediate problems.
"Forget about blue Oregon: The Republicans are taking over.
BY NIGEL JAQUISS | njaquiss at
[July 12th, 2006] The May primary election hit Kevin Looper like a head-butt.
But what Looper learned from the May primary extinguished his habitual smile. Most of us just saw a tepid election with low turnout, especially among young voters. Looper saw confirmation of something far more profound: a reliably blue state on the verge of turning red."
"In the liberal Portland echo chamber, such a notion might seem absurd. But a Republican-controlled Oregon would probably be an entirely different place on issues ranging from abortion, school funding and the environment to the judiciary and the Legislature."
" What the daily neglected to mention is that on a statewide basis, Portland's Democratic super-majority matters less each day. The trend is so clear that if the Democratic Party of Oregon were a publicly traded corporation, owners would be lining up to dump their stock.
Over the past three decades, the number of registered Democrats in the state has not only failed to keep pace with population growth, it has actually declined in absolute terms. According to the secretary of state's election statistics, there were 794,218 Oregon Democrats in 1976; as of this past May, there were 760,066.
Thirty years ago, 56 percent of registered Oregon voters were Democrats; today, that number is less than 39 percent. "
Here is a quote that you won't see repeated in many MSM papers: "Republicans vote more because they are typically better educated and more affluent," says Bill Lunch, chairman of the political science department at Oregon State University.
I believe that the reason is not because the Republicans are offering such great candidates but because the Democrats have totally lost touch with the average Oregonian and only pander to the extreme Left causes. They also offer no solutions to the immediate problems.
Thursday, August 17, 2006

It's your money, know where it goes. This could be a great step in adding more transparency to our bloated government spending if it could just get out of committee.
There is a bill in the U.S.Senate (S 2590) which would allow you to go online at a single site and see how your taxes are being spent. However, one or more Senators, acting in secrecy, put a hold on the bill and refused to allow it to come up for debate and action.
Please go to the AFA website and send an email or phone your senator concerning this bill. Maybe we can get some action on this bill and even gain a small amount of accountability from our representatives.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Too Much Free Speech in Portland
From the Oregonian
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
The mayor of Portland doesn't like being yelled at any more than George Bush.
His answer is to limit the public to one appearance before city council per month.
Apparently you can have too much free speech in Tom Potter's Portland.
"This isn't about free speech. Once a month, these folks can come in and speak their little hearts out."
A little condescending I must say.
Judging from his tone, the mayor would have been quite happy to leap over the City Council table and personally yank Hill from the room. The exchange prompted one council member to turn to another and quip, "I thought he only talked like that to me."
Commissioner Sam Adams says he doesn't think the change is needed and may cast the only "no" vote Wednesday.
"So there are some people who show up again and again. That's their right," he said. "It's only 15 minutes a week, you know."
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
The mayor of Portland doesn't like being yelled at any more than George Bush.
His answer is to limit the public to one appearance before city council per month.
Apparently you can have too much free speech in Tom Potter's Portland.
"This isn't about free speech. Once a month, these folks can come in and speak their little hearts out."
A little condescending I must say.
Judging from his tone, the mayor would have been quite happy to leap over the City Council table and personally yank Hill from the room. The exchange prompted one council member to turn to another and quip, "I thought he only talked like that to me."
Commissioner Sam Adams says he doesn't think the change is needed and may cast the only "no" vote Wednesday.
"So there are some people who show up again and again. That's their right," he said. "It's only 15 minutes a week, you know."
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Big Brother a step at a time
Tracking system for colleges would violate privacy
By Katherine Haley Will
"Does the federal government need to know whether you aced Aristotelian ethics but had to repeat introductory biology? Does it need to know your family's financial profile, how much aid you received and whether you took off a semester to help out at home?"
"Whether you call it a ``national unit records database'' (the first name) or a ``consumer-friendly information database'' (the second), it is in fact a mandatory federal registry of all American students throughout their collegiate careers -- every course, every step, every misstep. Once established, it could easily be linked to existing K-12 and workforce databases to create unprecedented cradle-to-grave tracking of American citizens. All under the watchful eye of the federal government."
"This proposal is a violation of the right to privacy that Americans hold dear. It is against the law. Moreover, there is a mountain of data already out there that can help us understand higher education and its efficacy. And, finally, implementation of such a database, which at its inception would hold ``unit'' record data on 17 million students, would be an unfunded mandate on institutions and add greatly to the expense of education."
By Katherine Haley Will
"Does the federal government need to know whether you aced Aristotelian ethics but had to repeat introductory biology? Does it need to know your family's financial profile, how much aid you received and whether you took off a semester to help out at home?"
"Whether you call it a ``national unit records database'' (the first name) or a ``consumer-friendly information database'' (the second), it is in fact a mandatory federal registry of all American students throughout their collegiate careers -- every course, every step, every misstep. Once established, it could easily be linked to existing K-12 and workforce databases to create unprecedented cradle-to-grave tracking of American citizens. All under the watchful eye of the federal government."
"This proposal is a violation of the right to privacy that Americans hold dear. It is against the law. Moreover, there is a mountain of data already out there that can help us understand higher education and its efficacy. And, finally, implementation of such a database, which at its inception would hold ``unit'' record data on 17 million students, would be an unfunded mandate on institutions and add greatly to the expense of education."
Monday, July 24, 2006
Coming soon to a country near you!
Evidently the The Daily Mail thinks that a child is never too young to be brain washed. The following is a from the U.K. the Daily Mail:
"Children as young as three should be taught about same-sex relationships in a bid to stamp out homophobia in schools, it was claimed yesterday.
The National Union of Teachers, the country's largest teaching union, sparked outrage by demanding that nursery staff help to educate children about gay families.
It claims it is too late to wait until youngsters arrive at primary school to learn about the subject because some three-year-olds are already using homophobic language.
"It is too late to wait until primary school to challenge prejudice and intolerant abusive language.
The proposal was made yesterday when the NUT published its response to the Department for Education and Skills' Early Years Foundation Stage consultation document.
If you ever wonder where the outcry for school vouchers and private schools comes from this is an example of the Progressive agenda that is taking over the leaders of national education unions in Europe and soon America.
Tip goes out to Orbusmax for this heads-up.
"Children as young as three should be taught about same-sex relationships in a bid to stamp out homophobia in schools, it was claimed yesterday.
The National Union of Teachers, the country's largest teaching union, sparked outrage by demanding that nursery staff help to educate children about gay families.
It claims it is too late to wait until youngsters arrive at primary school to learn about the subject because some three-year-olds are already using homophobic language.
"It is too late to wait until primary school to challenge prejudice and intolerant abusive language.
The proposal was made yesterday when the NUT published its response to the Department for Education and Skills' Early Years Foundation Stage consultation document.
If you ever wonder where the outcry for school vouchers and private schools comes from this is an example of the Progressive agenda that is taking over the leaders of national education unions in Europe and soon America.
Tip goes out to Orbusmax for this heads-up.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
If Ford really had a better idea maybe they wouldn't have to lay off 30,000 workers.
Maybe if they spend more of their money on engineering cars instead of social engineering our country we all would be better off.
The following are exerpts from | January 9, 2004 by Charles Sykes and K. L. Billingsley:
One of the largest and most dangerous concentrations of unchecked power in the United States is the Ford Foundation with discretionary spending power that rivals that of government. It is spending power moreover, for the political left and often the hard left.
Robert Steele, a Professor of Psychology at Wesleyan, noted that his group was aware that coercion would be required to change the university: "People will not be quietly assimilated to multiculturalism by truth through dialogue." They will have to be bought off as well as brought along.
The final speaker was Eve Grossman, a Princeton dean, who said that her group had worried about tenure: "If we want to restructure the university, tenure stands in the way." She said that her group was aware that promotion and tenure were predicated on "discipline-based" research.
From its founding in 1936 through 1991 Ford has doled out more than $7 billion to over 9,000 organizations and 100,000 individuals across America and overseas.
For the Ford Foundation, you can get apiece of the six-billion-dollar pie, as long as you sign onto the multicultural agenda.
The ultimate target of all this energetic social transformation, however, is America's educational system, particularly its system of higher education. By the early 80s, Ford, whose activist staff was networked not just into the nerve centers of "progressive" politics but into the ganglia as well, saw that the university would be (that is, could be made to be) the battleground for an apocalyptic effort to force multiculturalism into the intellectual life of this country.
In the next two years, Ford has earmarked $79.2 million for "Education and Culture." That is the division currently planning and bankrolling PC on campus.
Ford clearly got the most qualified people for the job. Brodie, Shalala, Fergusson, and Kennedy had all fought the PC wars on their own campuses, instituting "speech codes," bashing Western civilization courses, and creating race-based admissions and hiring programs. According to Edgar Beckham, the 59-year-old officer in charge of Ford's Education and Culture Program, this group "worked with the president of the foundation to develop the conceptual framework" of the "diversity" program. Ford uses unnamed "additional advisers" on an ad hoc basis, and Beckham adds that "our own grantees advise us."
"Reaping the full dividends of diversity may require an institution to rethink certain aspects of the curriculum and other traditional commitments of the academic community. Diversity also brings changes outside the classroom affecting residential life, campus services, cultural events, and student activities...
If you are wondering 20 million illegal immigrants found their way into our country and no one seems to see any problem with that, consider how the Ford Foundation has taken it upon itself to grease the way.
At the Ford Foundation ethnicity is always job 1
By Craig L. Hymowitz
As William Hawkins describes in Importing Revolution: Open Borders and the Radical Agenda, Ford's "bankrolling of 'open border' advocacy policy is sharply one-sided, and often extremist... playing the leading role in founding, and building, what are now the major Hispanic-based organizations. "
Henry Santiestevan, former head of the Southwest Council of La Raza, has written:"It can be said that without the Ford Foundation's commitment to a strategy of national and local institution-building, the Chicano movement would have withered away in many areas."
Ford would create the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the most influential Hispanic group in the country--and Ford's largest Hispanic policy recipient.
Modeled after the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, MALDEF, with an initial $2.2-million grant, was formed with the mandate "to assist Hispanics (legal or otherwise) in using legal means to secure their rights." A second grant was made to establish the National Council of La Raza "to coordinate efforts to achieve civil rights and equal opportunity" through support of Community Development Corporations.
To date, Ford has given more than $18.9 million to MALDEF, and $12.9 million to the National Council of La Raza.
MALDEF was guided from the onset by the principle that its job was to strengthen the "ethnic identity" of newly arrived immigrants, legal and illegal, rather than aid their assimilation into their American mainstream.
MALDEF-sponsored amendments to the Voting Rights Act authorized multilingual ballots on demand whenever "language minorities" made up 5 percent of a given jurisdiction's residents (legal or otherwise) where there had been less than 50 percent voter turnout in the last presidential election.
As Vilma Martinez said, "Our definition of Mexican-American had expanded to encompass not only the citizen, but also the permanent resident At the Ford Foundation ethnicity is always job 1
By Craig L. Hymowitz
As William Hawkins describes in Importing Revolution: Open Borders and the Radical Agenda, Ford's "bankrolling of 'open border' advocacy policy is sharply one-sided, and often extremist... playing the leading role in founding, and building, what are now the major Hispanic-based organizations. "
Henry Santiestevan, former head of the Southwest Council of La Raza, has written:"It can be said that without the Ford Foundation's commitment to a strategy of national and local institution-building, the Chicano movement would have withered away in many areas."
Ford would create the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the most influential Hispanic group in the country--and Ford's largest Hispanic policy recipient.
Modeled after the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, MALDEF, with an initial $2.2-million grant, was formed with the mandate "to assist Hispanics (legal or otherwise) in using legal means to secure their rights." A second grant was made to establish the National Council of La Raza "to coordinate efforts to achieve civil rights and equal opportunity" through support of Community Development Corporations.
To date, Ford has given more than $18.9 million to MALDEF, and $12.9 million to the National Council of La Raza.
MALDEF was guided from the onset by the principle that its job was to strengthen the "ethnic identity" of newly arrived immigrants, legal and illegal, rather than aid their assimilation into their American mainstream.
MALDEF-sponsored amendments to the Voting Rights Act authorized multilingual ballots on demand whenever "language minorities" made up 5 percent of a given jurisdiction's residents (legal or otherwise) where there had been less than 50 percent voter turnout in the last presidential election.
As Vilma Martinez said, "Our definition of Mexican-American had expanded to encompass not only the citizen, but also the permanent resident At the Ford Foundation ethnicity is always job 1
By Craig L. Hymowitz
As William Hawkins describes in Importing Revolution: Open Borders and the Radical Agenda, Ford's "bankrolling of 'open border' advocacy policy is sharply one-sided, and often extremist... playing the leading role in founding, and building, what are now the major Hispanic-based organizations. "
Henry Santiestevan, former head of the Southwest Council of La Raza, has written:"It can be said that without the Ford Foundation's commitment to a strategy of national and local institution-building, the Chicano movement would have withered away in many areas."
Ford would create the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the most influential Hispanic group in the country--and Ford's largest Hispanic policy recipient.
Modeled after the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, MALDEF, with an initial $2.2-million grant, was formed with the mandate "to assist Hispanics (legal or otherwise) in using legal means to secure their rights." A second grant was made to establish the National Council of La Raza "to coordinate efforts to achieve civil rights and equal opportunity" through support of Community Development Corporations.
To date, Ford has given more than $18.9 million to MALDEF, and $12.9 million to the National Council of La Raza.
MALDEF was guided from the onset by the principle that its job was to strengthen the "ethnic identity" of newly arrived immigrants, legal and illegal, rather than aid their assimilation into their American mainstream.
MALDEF-sponsored amendments to the Voting Rights Act authorized multilingual ballots on demand whenever "language minorities" made up 5 percent of a given jurisdiction's residents (legal or otherwise) where there had been less than 50 percent voter turnout in the last presidential election.
As Vilma Martinez said, "Our definition of Mexican-American had expanded to encompass not only the citizen, but also the permanent resident alien, and the undocumented alien." In effect, MALDEF and NCLR, according to Chavez, sought to "erase the distinction between aliens and citizens, legal and illegal, and to pretend the border doesn't exist."
Beginning in 1985, the Lawyer's Guild began to receive the first of its $416,000 in Ford Foundation grants for "refugee and migrant rights."
MALDEF's efforts on behalf of illegal aliens were not limited to education. In other litigation, they prevented Los Angeles County from forcing illegals to apply for Medi-Cal to receive non-emergency health services, because, for this to happen, they would have to be referred to the INS.
Maybe if they spend more of their money on engineering cars instead of social engineering our country we all would be better off.
The following are exerpts from | January 9, 2004 by Charles Sykes and K. L. Billingsley:
One of the largest and most dangerous concentrations of unchecked power in the United States is the Ford Foundation with discretionary spending power that rivals that of government. It is spending power moreover, for the political left and often the hard left.
Robert Steele, a Professor of Psychology at Wesleyan, noted that his group was aware that coercion would be required to change the university: "People will not be quietly assimilated to multiculturalism by truth through dialogue." They will have to be bought off as well as brought along.
The final speaker was Eve Grossman, a Princeton dean, who said that her group had worried about tenure: "If we want to restructure the university, tenure stands in the way." She said that her group was aware that promotion and tenure were predicated on "discipline-based" research.
From its founding in 1936 through 1991 Ford has doled out more than $7 billion to over 9,000 organizations and 100,000 individuals across America and overseas.
For the Ford Foundation, you can get apiece of the six-billion-dollar pie, as long as you sign onto the multicultural agenda.
The ultimate target of all this energetic social transformation, however, is America's educational system, particularly its system of higher education. By the early 80s, Ford, whose activist staff was networked not just into the nerve centers of "progressive" politics but into the ganglia as well, saw that the university would be (that is, could be made to be) the battleground for an apocalyptic effort to force multiculturalism into the intellectual life of this country.
In the next two years, Ford has earmarked $79.2 million for "Education and Culture." That is the division currently planning and bankrolling PC on campus.
Ford clearly got the most qualified people for the job. Brodie, Shalala, Fergusson, and Kennedy had all fought the PC wars on their own campuses, instituting "speech codes," bashing Western civilization courses, and creating race-based admissions and hiring programs. According to Edgar Beckham, the 59-year-old officer in charge of Ford's Education and Culture Program, this group "worked with the president of the foundation to develop the conceptual framework" of the "diversity" program. Ford uses unnamed "additional advisers" on an ad hoc basis, and Beckham adds that "our own grantees advise us."
"Reaping the full dividends of diversity may require an institution to rethink certain aspects of the curriculum and other traditional commitments of the academic community. Diversity also brings changes outside the classroom affecting residential life, campus services, cultural events, and student activities...
If you are wondering 20 million illegal immigrants found their way into our country and no one seems to see any problem with that, consider how the Ford Foundation has taken it upon itself to grease the way.
At the Ford Foundation ethnicity is always job 1
By Craig L. Hymowitz
As William Hawkins describes in Importing Revolution: Open Borders and the Radical Agenda, Ford's "bankrolling of 'open border' advocacy policy is sharply one-sided, and often extremist... playing the leading role in founding, and building, what are now the major Hispanic-based organizations. "
Henry Santiestevan, former head of the Southwest Council of La Raza, has written:"It can be said that without the Ford Foundation's commitment to a strategy of national and local institution-building, the Chicano movement would have withered away in many areas."
Ford would create the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the most influential Hispanic group in the country--and Ford's largest Hispanic policy recipient.
Modeled after the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, MALDEF, with an initial $2.2-million grant, was formed with the mandate "to assist Hispanics (legal or otherwise) in using legal means to secure their rights." A second grant was made to establish the National Council of La Raza "to coordinate efforts to achieve civil rights and equal opportunity" through support of Community Development Corporations.
To date, Ford has given more than $18.9 million to MALDEF, and $12.9 million to the National Council of La Raza.
MALDEF was guided from the onset by the principle that its job was to strengthen the "ethnic identity" of newly arrived immigrants, legal and illegal, rather than aid their assimilation into their American mainstream.
MALDEF-sponsored amendments to the Voting Rights Act authorized multilingual ballots on demand whenever "language minorities" made up 5 percent of a given jurisdiction's residents (legal or otherwise) where there had been less than 50 percent voter turnout in the last presidential election.
As Vilma Martinez said, "Our definition of Mexican-American had expanded to encompass not only the citizen, but also the permanent resident At the Ford Foundation ethnicity is always job 1
By Craig L. Hymowitz
As William Hawkins describes in Importing Revolution: Open Borders and the Radical Agenda, Ford's "bankrolling of 'open border' advocacy policy is sharply one-sided, and often extremist... playing the leading role in founding, and building, what are now the major Hispanic-based organizations. "
Henry Santiestevan, former head of the Southwest Council of La Raza, has written:"It can be said that without the Ford Foundation's commitment to a strategy of national and local institution-building, the Chicano movement would have withered away in many areas."
Ford would create the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the most influential Hispanic group in the country--and Ford's largest Hispanic policy recipient.
Modeled after the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, MALDEF, with an initial $2.2-million grant, was formed with the mandate "to assist Hispanics (legal or otherwise) in using legal means to secure their rights." A second grant was made to establish the National Council of La Raza "to coordinate efforts to achieve civil rights and equal opportunity" through support of Community Development Corporations.
To date, Ford has given more than $18.9 million to MALDEF, and $12.9 million to the National Council of La Raza.
MALDEF was guided from the onset by the principle that its job was to strengthen the "ethnic identity" of newly arrived immigrants, legal and illegal, rather than aid their assimilation into their American mainstream.
MALDEF-sponsored amendments to the Voting Rights Act authorized multilingual ballots on demand whenever "language minorities" made up 5 percent of a given jurisdiction's residents (legal or otherwise) where there had been less than 50 percent voter turnout in the last presidential election.
As Vilma Martinez said, "Our definition of Mexican-American had expanded to encompass not only the citizen, but also the permanent resident At the Ford Foundation ethnicity is always job 1
By Craig L. Hymowitz
As William Hawkins describes in Importing Revolution: Open Borders and the Radical Agenda, Ford's "bankrolling of 'open border' advocacy policy is sharply one-sided, and often extremist... playing the leading role in founding, and building, what are now the major Hispanic-based organizations. "
Henry Santiestevan, former head of the Southwest Council of La Raza, has written:"It can be said that without the Ford Foundation's commitment to a strategy of national and local institution-building, the Chicano movement would have withered away in many areas."
Ford would create the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the most influential Hispanic group in the country--and Ford's largest Hispanic policy recipient.
Modeled after the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, MALDEF, with an initial $2.2-million grant, was formed with the mandate "to assist Hispanics (legal or otherwise) in using legal means to secure their rights." A second grant was made to establish the National Council of La Raza "to coordinate efforts to achieve civil rights and equal opportunity" through support of Community Development Corporations.
To date, Ford has given more than $18.9 million to MALDEF, and $12.9 million to the National Council of La Raza.
MALDEF was guided from the onset by the principle that its job was to strengthen the "ethnic identity" of newly arrived immigrants, legal and illegal, rather than aid their assimilation into their American mainstream.
MALDEF-sponsored amendments to the Voting Rights Act authorized multilingual ballots on demand whenever "language minorities" made up 5 percent of a given jurisdiction's residents (legal or otherwise) where there had been less than 50 percent voter turnout in the last presidential election.
As Vilma Martinez said, "Our definition of Mexican-American had expanded to encompass not only the citizen, but also the permanent resident alien, and the undocumented alien." In effect, MALDEF and NCLR, according to Chavez, sought to "erase the distinction between aliens and citizens, legal and illegal, and to pretend the border doesn't exist."
Beginning in 1985, the Lawyer's Guild began to receive the first of its $416,000 in Ford Foundation grants for "refugee and migrant rights."
MALDEF's efforts on behalf of illegal aliens were not limited to education. In other litigation, they prevented Los Angeles County from forcing illegals to apply for Medi-Cal to receive non-emergency health services, because, for this to happen, they would have to be referred to the INS.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Marin Independant
Bill Evers and Paul Clopton
If we throw more money at the problem it will go away. Not really.
Quote from the
"THE SAUSALITO Marin City School District spends more than $22,000 per pupil and pays teachers an average of $71,000 a year. Based on 2004-05 figures, per-pupil spending is three times the state average, and teachers are the highest paid in Marin. Sausalito is the top-funded urban school district in the state.
But according to 2004-2005 California test scores, only 25 percent of Sausalito sixth-grade students are proficient or advanced in English and 13 percent are proficient or advanced in mathematics. Out of 1,025 districts in California, Sausalito is ranked 724th, which is at the 29.4th percentile. Why aren't students succeeding academically in a school district whose wealth makes almost every other district in California green with envy?
Decades of a different curriculum in every classroom, ineffective and unevaluated teaching practices and teacher training, overemphasis on student self-esteem and low academic expectations created an academic deficit that has been hard to repair.
District leaders have recently improved the coherence of the curriculum and adopted a high-performance reading program that emphasizes phonics first, rather than the district's previous whole-language instruction. District leaders also reduced the proportion of children designated as learning disabled. Much of the students' learning problems had been the result of the district's poor teaching of reading, and over-designation of students as disabled had contributed to the alienation of parents from the district. These recent changes have led to some gains in student test scores - principally in the lower grades whose students have benefited from recent changes.
Despite these improvements, the district is still being held back by a legacy of Progressive Education and a reliance on inadequate and misleading districtwide tests. Sausalito has a long history of using Progressive methods of project-based learning and student self-discovery in mathematics and other subjects. Teaching in the district's regular schools and, in particular, in its charter school is heavily influenced by ineffective Progressive methods."
Bill Evers and Paul Clopton
If we throw more money at the problem it will go away. Not really.
Quote from the
"THE SAUSALITO Marin City School District spends more than $22,000 per pupil and pays teachers an average of $71,000 a year. Based on 2004-05 figures, per-pupil spending is three times the state average, and teachers are the highest paid in Marin. Sausalito is the top-funded urban school district in the state.
But according to 2004-2005 California test scores, only 25 percent of Sausalito sixth-grade students are proficient or advanced in English and 13 percent are proficient or advanced in mathematics. Out of 1,025 districts in California, Sausalito is ranked 724th, which is at the 29.4th percentile. Why aren't students succeeding academically in a school district whose wealth makes almost every other district in California green with envy?
Decades of a different curriculum in every classroom, ineffective and unevaluated teaching practices and teacher training, overemphasis on student self-esteem and low academic expectations created an academic deficit that has been hard to repair.
District leaders have recently improved the coherence of the curriculum and adopted a high-performance reading program that emphasizes phonics first, rather than the district's previous whole-language instruction. District leaders also reduced the proportion of children designated as learning disabled. Much of the students' learning problems had been the result of the district's poor teaching of reading, and over-designation of students as disabled had contributed to the alienation of parents from the district. These recent changes have led to some gains in student test scores - principally in the lower grades whose students have benefited from recent changes.
Despite these improvements, the district is still being held back by a legacy of Progressive Education and a reliance on inadequate and misleading districtwide tests. Sausalito has a long history of using Progressive methods of project-based learning and student self-discovery in mathematics and other subjects. Teaching in the district's regular schools and, in particular, in its charter school is heavily influenced by ineffective Progressive methods."
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Lifes little ironies
From the Washington
Story by David Montgomery.
If it wasn't so serious of a subject, this could be just filed under a cute little human interest story. However, the story is not in what is printed, but what is not printed. The story begins by describing how a wayward mother duck and three ducklings wandered on to the beltway in Washington D.C. Passerby Pat Getter shot into the street after the ducks, yelling at cars "Stop! Stop! Stop!" She threw up her hands as though she were facing down tanks. On I Street, another woman Helburn threw herself in front of a Metro bus, which halted.
"Oh, they are so traumatized," fretted another one of the humans, Jennifer Helburn.
Now comes the irony. Helburn's job is communications director for the National Abortion Federation trade assocciation for abortion providers in the U. S. and Canada.
Quoting Geller, "'I realize you can't save all of them all the time,' she said, 'but when you're in a position to try, then you owe it to them to try.'" So true, So true
Story by David Montgomery.
If it wasn't so serious of a subject, this could be just filed under a cute little human interest story. However, the story is not in what is printed, but what is not printed. The story begins by describing how a wayward mother duck and three ducklings wandered on to the beltway in Washington D.C. Passerby Pat Getter shot into the street after the ducks, yelling at cars "Stop! Stop! Stop!" She threw up her hands as though she were facing down tanks. On I Street, another woman Helburn threw herself in front of a Metro bus, which halted.
"Oh, they are so traumatized," fretted another one of the humans, Jennifer Helburn.
Now comes the irony. Helburn's job is communications director for the National Abortion Federation trade assocciation for abortion providers in the U. S. and Canada.
Quoting Geller, "'I realize you can't save all of them all the time,' she said, 'but when you're in a position to try, then you owe it to them to try.'" So true, So true
Monday, July 10, 2006
Bobkatt's movie of the month club

While Al Gore captures the nations attention with his diatribe on Global Warming, I watched a movie that really hits close to home. It is called American Jobs by Greg Spotts. This is a documentary that explores the dicotomy of the "jobless recovery".
During the first six months of 2004, spotts visited nineteen cities and towns during the production of this self-funded film. He managed to put a face on the families effected by multinational corporations that take advantage of "global sourcing" to hire the lowest wage labor.
What I gleened from this movie:
- 85-90% of the apparrel on our shelves is made off-shore.
- If Walmart was a country it would be one of China's top ten trading partners.
- On 9/11 2001 airlines laid off 50,000 workers and cancelled dozens of Boeing orders. Boeing laid off half its work force while airlines got $5 billion in bailout from congress.
- Northwest Airlines gets $400,000,000 from U.S. and buys 26 jets from Airbus in Europe.
- New Boeing 7e7 for the first time outsources the wing and other major components to global suppliers. 35% of the work goes to Japan and 35% stays here.
- Robert Scott, economist at EPI estimates that Nafta eliminated 879,000 jobs from 1993-2002.
- Marine 1, presidential helicopters made in Connecticut since 1958 now outsourced.
- Military beret worn by our soldiers are made in China.
- Homeland Security ordered uniforms for the border patrol from Mexico.
- Food stamp call centers in 40 states serviced by India.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Another reason we need term limits
Here is a good example of why we need term limits. Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska has been in the senate for 38 years. He is most famous for his $223 million for the "bridge to nowhere" to serve 50 people. He threatened to resign from the senate if they reallocated any of his pork to the victims of Katrina.
If you have any doubts on his ability to serve the people please check out his latest comments on net neutrality, it's worth listening to. He is head of the senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.
This speech will help explain why we never seem to get answers to our nations complex problems.
If you have any doubts on his ability to serve the people please check out his latest comments on net neutrality, it's worth listening to. He is head of the senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.
This speech will help explain why we never seem to get answers to our nations complex problems.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. "
No truer words were ever written. The time is coming soon. The government has never been so disconnected from the people as it is now.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
If you thought Nafta was bad. Now we have Cafta. This is just another one of the tools used to hack away at the American standard of living we enjoy. Instead of raising the standard of living in these countries, it can only help to lower ours.
The following is reprinted from the Northwest Labor Press:
CAFTA passes, with help of Oregon's Greg Walden
One vote would have made the difference. CAFTA, the Dominican Republic Central America Free Trade Agreement, passed the U.S. House of Representatives just after midnight July 28 in a 217-215 vote. The agreement had earlier passed the Senate with the support of all four Democratic senators from Oregon and Washington.
CAFTA links the United States to Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic in the same way NAFTA combined the U.S., Mexico and Canada.
With such a small margin in favor of CAFTA, Walden’s vote could have made the difference, said Oregon AFL-CIO President Tim Nesbitt.
“The American people are losing confidence in these so called ‘free-trade’ agreements,” Nesbitt said. “They’re beginning to understand it for what it is: It’s about outsourcing and a race to the bottom.”
The following is reprinted from the Northwest Labor Press:
CAFTA passes, with help of Oregon's Greg Walden
One vote would have made the difference. CAFTA, the Dominican Republic Central America Free Trade Agreement, passed the U.S. House of Representatives just after midnight July 28 in a 217-215 vote. The agreement had earlier passed the Senate with the support of all four Democratic senators from Oregon and Washington.
CAFTA links the United States to Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic in the same way NAFTA combined the U.S., Mexico and Canada.
With such a small margin in favor of CAFTA, Walden’s vote could have made the difference, said Oregon AFL-CIO President Tim Nesbitt.
“The American people are losing confidence in these so called ‘free-trade’ agreements,” Nesbitt said. “They’re beginning to understand it for what it is: It’s about outsourcing and a race to the bottom.”
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
The North American Union
Are you struggling with what seems to be an inconceivable future for our country, the end of our sovereinty, the end of our identity, the end of our unique and grand experiment? How could this be happening in what seems to be such a short period of time? How could the very people we depend on to protect us seem to be leading us down this dangerous path? Well, if you look at the agenda of those who are pulling the strings you will see the idea goes back many years. It is not accident or a general deriliction of duty, it is a heinous and well thought out plan.
In March 2005, the leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the United
States adopted a Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
(SPP)under the advise of the CFR.
The following is a quote from their report
• Lay the groundwork for the freer flow of people withinNorth
America. The three governments should commit themselves to
the long-term goal of dramatically diminishing the need for the
current intensity of the governments’ physical control of cross-border
traffic, travel, and trade within North America."
"Canada and the United States should consider eliminating restrictions
on labor mobility altogether and work toward solutions that, in the
long run, could enable the extension of full labor mobility to Mexico
as well."
In March 2005, the leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the United
States adopted a Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
(SPP)under the advise of the CFR.
The following is a quote from their report
• Lay the groundwork for the freer flow of people withinNorth
America. The three governments should commit themselves to
the long-term goal of dramatically diminishing the need for the
current intensity of the governments’ physical control of cross-border
traffic, travel, and trade within North America."
"Canada and the United States should consider eliminating restrictions
on labor mobility altogether and work toward solutions that, in the
long run, could enable the extension of full labor mobility to Mexico
as well."
Thursday, June 22, 2006

With friends like this, who needs enemies?
By Jerry Seper of the Washington Times:
Many of the Mexican aid stations are maintained by Grupo Beta, a Mexican governmentfunded humanitarian organization founded in the early 1990s. Driving through the desert regions south of the border in brightly painted orange trucks, Grupo Beta's job is to protect migrants along the border, not arrest them.In April, Grupo Beta worked with the Mexican military and the Sonora State Preventive Police to move would-be illegal aliens out of the desert areas just south of the U.S. border to locations east and west of Naco, Ariz., to avoid the Minuteman Project volunteers holding a vigil on the border.
A branch of Mexico's National Migration Institute, Grupo Beta also helped pass out fliers warning migrants that the Minuteman volunteers, whom they described as "armed vigilantes," were waiting across the border to hurt them.
In addition to the aid stations, the Mexican government has distributed more than a million copies of a 32-page handbook advising migrants how to cross into the United States. The book, known as "Guia del Migrante Mexicano," or "Guide for the Mexican Migrant," contains tips on avoiding apprehension by U.S. authorities.

From Human Events Online.
by Jerome R. Corsi
Posted Jun 12, 2006
Quietly but systematically, the Bush Administration is advancing the plan to build a huge NAFTA Super Highway, four football-fields-wide, through the heart of the U.S. along Interstate 35, from the Mexican border at Laredo, Tex., to the Canadian border north of Duluth, Minn.
Once complete, the new road will allow containers from the Far East to enter the United States through the Mexican port of Lazaro Cardenas, bypassing the Longshoreman’s Union in the process. The Mexican trucks, without the involvement of the Teamsters Union, will drive on what will be the nation’s most modern highway straight into the heart of America. The Mexican trucks will cross border in FAST lanes, checked only electronically by the new “SENTRI” system. The first customs stop will be a Mexican customs office in Kansas City, their new Smart Port complex, a facility being built for Mexico at a cost of $3 million to the U.S. taxpayers in Kansas City.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Time for Term Limits
If you are as frustrated with politician unaccoutablity as I am, please check out the website of U.S.Term limits. The only way we as a people and the rightful rulers of this great country can regain control of the democratic process is to demand term limits.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
RFID is rapidly working it's way into all facets of our life, from animals to consumer products that we bring into our home. This is done under the guise of being just an inventory tracking devise but that is not the intent of these people pushing the developement.
April 27, 2006
Levi Strauss Confirms RFID Test, Refuses to Disclose Location
It may be time to ditch your Dockers and lay off the Levi's, say privacy activists Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre. New information confirms that Levi Strauss & Co. is violating a call for a moratorium on item-level RFID by spychipping its clothing. What's more, the company is refusing to disclose the location of its U.S. test.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a controversial technology that uses tiny microchips to track items from a distance. These RFID microchips have earned the nickname "spychips" because each contains a unique identification number, like a Social Security number for things, that can be read silently and invisibly by radio waves. Over 40 of the world's leading privacy and civil liberties organizations have called for a moratorium on chipping individual consumer items because the technology can be used to track people without their knowledge or consent.
April 27, 2006
Levi Strauss Confirms RFID Test, Refuses to Disclose Location
It may be time to ditch your Dockers and lay off the Levi's, say privacy activists Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre. New information confirms that Levi Strauss & Co. is violating a call for a moratorium on item-level RFID by spychipping its clothing. What's more, the company is refusing to disclose the location of its U.S. test.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a controversial technology that uses tiny microchips to track items from a distance. These RFID microchips have earned the nickname "spychips" because each contains a unique identification number, like a Social Security number for things, that can be read silently and invisibly by radio waves. Over 40 of the world's leading privacy and civil liberties organizations have called for a moratorium on chipping individual consumer items because the technology can be used to track people without their knowledge or consent.
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